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Pope Francis chooses Melbourne bishop as one of 21 new Catholic cardinals: Melbourne-based Ukrainian bishop Mykola Bychok will become the first Australian-based ...
Pope Francis chooses Melbourne bishop as one of 21 new Catholic cardinals
Pope picks 21 new cardinals in move that broadens pool of who will choose his successor
Pope picks 21 new cardinals in move that broadens pool of who will choose ...
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Pope names 21 new cardinals, expanding pool of electors who will one day pick his successor
Pope names 21 new cardinals, expanding pool of electors who will one day ...
Pope names 21 new cardinals, significantly increasing the pool who will elect successor
Pope names 21 new cardinals, significantly increasing the pool who will ...
Pope Names 21 New Cardinals, Reaching Far Beyond Europe: The appointments cement Francis’ imprint on the group that will choose his successor ...
Pope Names 21 New Cardinals, Reaching Far Beyond Europe
Pope appoints Ukrainian Greek Catholic bishop to College of Cardinals - Euromaidan Press
Pope appoints Ukrainian Greek Catholic bishop to College of Cardinals - ...
Pope appoints Ukrainian bishop to College of Cardinals: When inaugurated, Ukraine-born Bishop Mykola Bychok will be one of the youngest members of the College ...
Pope appoints Ukrainian bishop to College of Cardinals
Pope Francis to appoint 21 new cardinals on Dec 8: VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis will appoint 21 new cardinals from around the world, he announced on Sunday (Oct ...
Pope Francis to appoint 21 new cardinals on Dec 8
Pope Francis to appoint 21 new cardinals on Dec. 8: Pope Francis on Sunday announced he will appoint 21 new cardinals of the global Catholic Church ...
Pope Francis to appoint 21 new cardinals on Dec. 8
Pope Francis to appoint 21 new cardinals in December : The new cardinals come from a wide array of countries
Pope Francis to appoint 21 new cardinals in December
Pope Francis taps Melbourne bishop to be one of 21 new Catholic cardinals: The nomination of 44-year-old Bishop Mykola Bychok of Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church ...
Pope Francis taps Melbourne bishop to be one of 21 new Catholic cardinals
Pope names 21 new cardinals, significantly increasing the pool who will one day elect his successor
Pope names 21 new cardinals, significantly increasing the pool who will ...
Pope Francis names 21 new cardinals, significantly increasing the pool who will one day elect his successor
Pope Francis names 21 new cardinals, significantly increasing the pool who ...
Pope Francis names 21 new cardinals, including one from Ukraine: The pope named the head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in Australia ...
Pope Francis names 21 new cardinals, including one from Ukraine
Papst ernennt 21 neue Kardinäle: Mit der Ernennung festigt Franziskus seinen Einfluß auf das Gremium, das seinen Nachfolger wählen wird ...
Papst ernennt 21 neue Kardinäle
Pope Francis to appoint 21 new cardinals on Dec. 8: VATICAN CITY (Reuters) -Pope Francis will appoint 21 new cardinals from around the world ...
Pope Francis to appoint 21 new cardinals on Dec. 8
Pope Francis to appoint 21 new cardinals on December 8: (1st UPDATE) The new cardinals come from a wide array of countries including Argentina, Brazil, Chile ...
Pope Francis to appoint 21 new cardinals on December 8