Development engineer: "Salaries like mine are absolutely normal in the industry": Viktor, 26, earns 7,100 euros a month as a development engineer. Despite this ...
Development engineer:
Podcast "English, please!": Time travel: Where would "retro-longing" lead team members?
Demonstrations in Georgia: | "Our country will never be Russia's backyard": Although the police are brutally cracking down on them, thousands are continuing ...
Demonstrations in Georgia: |
Voice message: | "I don't expect anything from the FDP in the near future": Germany is about to hold a federal election. What issues are important in the ...
Voice message: |
Raw milk: raw, romanticized, risky: Raw milk is natural, healthy and prevents allergies, pasteurized milk is sloppy, low in vitamins ...
Raw milk: raw, romanticized, risky
Advent calendar episode 7: Who does something like that?: Today in the Advent calendar from ZEIT Verbrechen: A dog walker and a tattoo master are threatened by a ...
Advent calendar episode 7: Who does something like that?
Donald Trump's presidency: Anyone who becomes cynical is harming themselves: In view of Trump's impending presidency, many are taking refuge in cynicism ...
Donald Trump's presidency: Anyone who becomes cynical is harming ...
René Benko: | "Capo Benko": Italy has issued an arrest warrant for Signa founder René Benko. ZEIT has access to investigation files ...
René Benko: |
EU accession: Why are the protests in Georgia escalating?: After the parliamentary elections, Georgia is at a crossroads between Russia and the EU ...
EU accession: Why are the protests in Georgia escalating?
Phantom borders: Where the old German borders become visible: Prussia and the German Empire still influence how people vote in the EU today. Absurd ...
Phantom borders: Where the old German borders become visible